Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall Distortion is based on the Electra
distortion circuit. The unit in the picture is
centred around a piece of the Berlin Wall which was
collected in 1990. The
Lenin pin is connected to the transistor base and
can be used to distort the sound.
The rotary switch is used to guide the incoming
signal towards three different capacitors. The first
setting goes to Berlin Tegel Airport and emphasizes
treble, setting two passes RAF Gatow airport
emphasizing bass moderately and setting three passes
trough Tempelhof Airport and it emphasises bass
tones heavily.
From the three entry points the signal travels
towards Checkpoint Charlie which is the transistor
collector. Checkpoint Charlie is also the entry
point for the current originating from the 68k
resistor, which represents the Berlin
Telecommunications Tower, built in 1961. At
Checkpoint Charlie both the electric current and the
signal from the airports travel underground and
continue underneath the circuit. Underneath the
board there are also lakes and waterways and various
other conjunctions between components. The circuit
ground is represented by the Berlin Wall. All
components in the circuit which go to ground meet
The electric current returns on the face of the
board at the Television Tower build in 1965,
represented by the 2.2m resistor closed to
Alexanderplatz. The signal continues to the
transistor base located at the DDR Museum where it
meets with the signal. The transistor emitter is at
the Friedrichstraße station, which is connected to a
10k potentiometer which controls the amount of the
The returning signal travels underground and
surfaces at the Reichstag Building capacitor from
where in travels towards various border crossings
sites, some of which are represented with diodes. In
the unit in the picture diodes are found at St.
Bornholmer border crossing, Stolpe, Spanday (border
crossing for trains), Heerstrasse, Checkpoint Bravo
and Sonnenallee. The audio signal passes over the
Oberbaumbrücke crossing towards the Schönefeld
airport from where it travels east towards the audio
out. Volume can be effected using a 100k
The diodes at the border crossings can be activated
on using switches. When the switches are in off
position the signal travels through the exposed
copper wires, which hold the piece of Berlin Wall in
place. Touching the wires causes interference. Also
the buttons can be used to connect the diodes to the
ground. The leds get their power directly from the
power supply. Interference is removed using an
electrolytic capacitor which represents the
Tiergarten Flak Tower (demolished in 1947). Before
hitting the leds the current passes 4.7k resistor
representing the old Radio Tower (Funkturm Berlin).
The circuit connections are roads, connecting the
different components using the fastest routes. The
view can be overlayed with a map and the board
layout is available on OpenStreet
map. The unit in the picture is protected with
shellac lacquer and can be powered using a single 9
volt battery or a power adaptor. The 3PDT switch
bypassed the circuit.
full screen
Photos of the build on flickr.com
An unverified raw v0.2 circuit board
toner transfer document (10x12cm) and unverified
schematic are available for download. The PCB
transfer document is a work in progress. Please,
refer to description for a BOM and component
2020-08-08 PCB toner transfer and unverified
schematic linked.
2018-01-23 Publishing video on youtube and making
this page. Exited about the response but scared
about critique the clumsy build might have. This
is the second pedal I've build.