Kuukausittainen ajantoimitus
sopimuksen mukaan. Tilauksen kesto minimi 6kk
(181 pv.). Tutustumistarjouksena
ensitilaajille -70% alennus yksittäisten kuulutusten
hinnoista! Laatu takuu. Pysy selvillä ajan
kulusta. Soita 050-57-29-743* ja kysy lisää.
![]() ** (alv. 0% §Esiintyvän taiteilija palkkio) Short
in English: "Time to Your Door"
services deliver the exact time to the location
of Your choosing. Customer service personnel
arrives to the site you specify, to announce the
time according to your request. "Time to Your
Door" is a luxurious way of keeping time. The
service is suitable for maintaining your
everyday working rhythm and as a featured
service of ceremonial occasions. The service is
currently available exclusively in Helsinki. Prices: As
a package 7 announcements / 850€**. Singular
announcements beginning from 300€** (Including a
message of Your choosing / +30€ Birthdays, +120€
Funerals). Monthly deliveries are negotiable (Minimum service
duration 6 months). Quality guarantee.
We offer a 70% discount for Your first order.
Stay ahead of your time. Call +358-50-57-29-743.
Normally priced mobile phone call to Finland. ** (VAT. 0%
§Performing Artist Fee)
Toimitetun ajan historiaKeholla voi mitata ajan kulkua.
Edelleen toimiva ja perinteinen tapa herätä
aikasin on juoda nukkumaan mennessä paljon vettä
ja kuukausien kulkua voi mitata kuukautiskiertoa
seuraten. Mekaanisesti ajan kulkua voidaan
tarkkailla seuraamalla auringon,
taivaankappaleiden ja muiden periodisten
luonnonilmiöiden liikkeitä tai hyödyntämällä
erilaisia kellolaitteita. Varhaisimmat kellot
perustuivat veden, hiekan ja esimerkiksi
munankuorimurskan tasaiseen valuttamiseen
astiasta toiseen. Ajankulkua saatettiin mitata
myös polttamalla tuntiviivoin merkittyjä
kynttilöitä. Aikaa on alusta asti poltettu ja
valutettu hukkaan. Erityiskiitos Suomen
Kellomuseon kirjastolle sekä Teknologian
tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy:lle. Highlights
of History of Selling Time in English:
The body can be used to measure time. The
simplest and still effective method of waking up
early is to drink a lot of water before going to
sleep and the passage of months can be counted
by following the
menstruation cycle. The earliest mechanical
clocks where powered by flowing water. Later on
sand or grind egg shells where used in
hourglasses. Each center of habitation had it's
own time which was set according to local high
noon. Accurate time was needed for navigation,
which requires that the clock on the ship and
the departure harbor run in sync. Greenwich
Observatory provided a service to sync clocks.
This time is now known as the Greenwich Mean
Time, GMT. Finland joined a the global GMT time
system as late as 1921 (16 year after the
publication of the theory of relativity).
Clocksmiths in London kept their clocks in sync
using the observatory service. From 1836 onward
an employee of the observatory John Belville
took rounds around the city providing clock
makers and others an accurate time using his GMT
synced "John
Arnold pocket chronometer No. 485/786".
After his passing wife Maria and
later daughter
Ruth Belville continued with this
service until 1940. The route the Bellvilles
carried time took them past historical sites
made famous by
Jack the Ripper. At the end of her
career Ruth was in competition with local time
providing telegraph entrepreneurs. Because of
reoccurring technical issues in the wires her
time was more accurate. Time was also announced
using phones. Operators took shifts in
announcing the time non-stop to an open land
line. Automated systems to do this (known as
Speaking Clocks) where build in Paris 1933 and
Finland got it's automated system 1936. "Miss Time"
worked nation wide but the system was taken down
sometime around 2000, roughly around the same
time US service POPCORN was closed. Since this
services providing an accurate time have been
offered by smaller phone company co-operatives
and private entrepreneurs. There are rumors
circulating that sometime in the 1990 Malta's
Speaking Clock services where provided by an
operator of the local phone company. An accurate
time is needed for telecommunications and in
Finland this time is provided by VTT Mikes –
Metrology research center and laboratory, which
is the biggest competitor of this service.
Näytteitä (Samples)
Suomeksi | Englanniksi |
lähteillä (Kellomuseo / Laura Kovero 2010) Kevyt esittely kellojen ja ajan mittaamisen historiasta. Näyttely katalogi. Sellainen
on puhelin Ajan
lyhyt filosofia (Historianet.fi / Hans Henrik Fafner 2010) Leppoisasti luettavaa Historia lehden artikkelia ajan mittaamisen tekniikoista ja kellotyypeistä. Suomen virallinen aika mitataan laitteilla, jotka häiriintyvät jopa ruumiinlämmöstä (Hs. Tiede / Juha Merimaa 24.7.2019) Esittely Vtt:n palveluista ja ajan mittaamisen käytännöistä Kalibrointi- ja muut metrologiapalvelut -hinnasto (Mittatekniikan keskus Vtt Mikes 2020) Ks. NTP-palvelu 43€ / KK alv. 0% Kirjallisuutta / Books (English) Ruth Belville: The Greenwich Time Lady (David Rooney, 2008) |
of day calling it quits at AT&T
time: a history of the speaking clock
CLOCKS - British Telephones NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA TIME RESOURCES (?) Australian hinnasto ja varoituksia kellojen epätarkkuudesta. POPCORN, Talking Clock (Nicholas McClanahan 2010) Opas oman puhuvan kellon rakentamiseen |
10.06.2012 |
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19.02.2012 | Avoin BETA / Aika Ovelle (b.190212) |
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03.02.2012 | Suljettu BETA (b.060212) |
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