Ore.e Ref. is
searching for people who have
moustaches (or would like to grow a pair)
and other sorts of maintenance requiring facial
hair apparatuses. We need Your help in a moustache
wax experiment! During the testing phase we are
looking exclusively for English speaking
participants who currently live in the Gulf of
Finland region (NW Russia + Estonia + S Finland).
We hope to develop a moustache wax recipe suitable
for the harsh Baltic Sea climate. Our aim is that
the receipt only requires ingredients which are
specific to the Baltic Sea Drainage Basin
environment. Our specific interested is to find a
receipt based on resources available in the
bioregion of the Gulf of Finland.
After You have signed up, a batch of
experimental moustache wax will be delivered for
You. Once You have tested the wax,
please fill
this questioner online (link). Using the
data You provide the recipe will be further
developed and an improved version will be
delivered for a second round of evaluation. I.E.
You get a batch of wax for free and we get some
feedback on the product for free!
We expect to announce the definitive recipe by the
year 2018. Our goal is that the final recipe can
be manufactured from resources found in the Baltic
Sea Drainage Basin environment and that the
ingredients exclude petrochemicals... But before
we reach this we'll run tests with
trad. recipes some
of which are dependent on ingredients imported
from distant shores and petroleum jelly.
If You want to support the testing program (other
frisky Ore. Ref. projects like "
The Message");
You can purchase
Editions of Experimental Anti-Imperial
Moustache Wax. We also host "Ore.e Ref:
Cosmetics Maker - Specials" during which we'll
Custom Editions of Moustache Wax
for Your organization. See
- Moustache Wax" special for details. For
any queries, please call 00-358-50-5729743 (
Ore.e Ref. Management&Sales).
Everything we publish on this site (texts,
research, images etc.) is licensed using the Ore.e
This grants You rights to use all media we've
produces as You see fit. We encourage You to
experiment with the wax recipes presented here in
the comport of Your home and to
share testing
results with us! Keep in mind that the
recipe developed here will also be used in a
product sold by Ore.e Refineries under the
"Anti-Imperial Moustache Wax" brand.
Experiment 6#.
This is our first 100% vegan moustache wax
formula! It's a simple two component recipe (like
1#) Unfortunately
neither of the components are found in the Baltic
Sea Drainage Basin environment but it serves as a
good comparison point. If you live in India you
might find both of the ingredients growing in you
backyard. This recipe might proof good for people
suffering from beeswax allergies.
This is a novel recipe. Soy wax is a hydrogenated
form of soybean oil and it was invited by
Richards in 1991 as he was looking for
cheep alternative to beeswax... He intended
soy wax to be used in candle making. When testing
with soy wax in homemade cosmetic products, be
sure to check that the batch of soy wax you use
does not have paraffin or stearin acid as an
Soy wax is mentioned as a component in some
"contemporary moustache wax formulas" but it's
impossible to find recipes which have it in a
leading ingredient.
(As soon as we start the
testing program for this formula; user
feedback will be added here.)
Experiment 5#.
Third experiment is a simple two component
formula. It's very similar to the
Exp.1# made earlier.
Whitewax (purified beeswax) was melted using a
microwave, castor oil poured in and the components
mixed with a spoon. Pure castor oil can be
difficult to find. In Finland is best found trough
pharmacies. We used whitewax for a cosmetic
This receipt was discovered from a food receipt
site. It was posted by poet, housewife and
near professional chef
Ramchandani who recently moved
back to
Pune, Maharashtra - India. Variations of the
receipt are found around the web. Castor oil plant
is widespread throughout tropical regions (and
widely grown elsewhere as an ornamental plant).
It's also used as a component in oil painting and
gives hope for the upcoming linseed oil receipt
Waxes which have such a high percentage of beeswax
as a component are not water soluble. For
maintaining a moustache product which has more
then 50% of beeswax as component; We urge You to
familiarize Yourself with a tutorial provided by
Renaud Olgiati
(For the
(As soon as we start the
testing program for this formula; user
feedback will be added here.)
Experiment 2,3,4#
Second experiment is the traditional
Hungarian Pomade
for the Moustache recipe which
has been published in different sources relatively
unchanged for some 200 years. It's also found on
Handlebar Club site. The wax in simple to
use but making it is a tad complicated as it
requires heating and firm stirring. In the
preparation we used a glass pestle commonly used
by artist who make their own aquarelle colours.
Hungarian Pomade
for the Moustache. Melt by a gentle
heat 1/2 pound gum-arabic, and 1/2 pound of
oil soap, in 1 pint rose water, then add 1
pound white wax, constantly stirring; when of
a uniform consistency, add 1ounce attar of
bergamot, and 1/2 drachm attar of thyme, for
perfume. If required to be brown, color it
with tube-burnt amber; or for black , use tube
ivory-black." Encyclopedia
of practical receipts and processes. [1872]
Page. 135
Experiments 2#,3# where utter failures. In exp. 2#
we attempted to first make the oil soap into a
liquid form using water, then mix this paste with
the gum arabic. The result was a chunky paste
which did not mix with the white wax (purified
beeswax). In experiment 3# we used oil soap in a
powdered form (soap was powdered in a mortar),
water was added to this mix and the resulting
paste heated as melted white wax was poured to the
mix. While stirring the paste into a usable form
it was heated using the microwave. But as we used
soap made from olive oil, and added hempseed oil
(to function as a hair conditioner) the resulting
wax was green and smelly. Experiment 4# was a
success! As only a few drops of hempseed oil was
added and a white oil soap (also made from hemp)
was used.
(As soon as we start the
testing program for this formula; user
feedback will be added here.)
Experiment 1#.
The first recipe is a traditional on petroleum
jelly and beeswax mixture... We are aiming for a
petrochemical free wax
but this serves as a good
starting point into the moustache wax scene. This
is a traditional mixture and considered to be
a good and simple "home wax". The recipe was
found from
Handlebar Club site where it was provided by
17th Dan Hige Jiutsu
Renaud Olgiati
(He lives in the banks of Paraguay River). Mr.
Olgiati prefers a
60% beeswax and 40% petroleum jelly mixture but we
chose to use a 50/50 mixture as beeswax adds to
softness of the wax, which we estimated to be an
asset. The recipe is simple but wax made this way
is complicated to use. We urge You to familiarize
Yourself with
tutorial provided by Mr. Olgiati. He has
also shared other interesting recipes like this
guide for
Bagpipes Seasoning.
(2): "It is a bit too firm to
apply. Other then that it's swell", "[...]
tough enough to keep my moustache in shape for
a good while..."
Handlebar Club: D.I.Y Moustache Wax
List of recipes and trusted peer evaluations of
different sorts of waxes.
'Stache Wax Review
A site listing and reviewing waxes in U.S.
of the Nineteenth Century
A site dedicated to moustache styles of the
past. An image and style archive.
Some Products & Formulas (Not the big
brands but the niches):
- One
Eyed Morse "...taming those wild
whiskers under your nose". a wax by male
cosmetic expert Jarmo "Chopper" Nuutre,
who also runs a tattoo
shop in Tallinn, Estonia.
- Brazen
Razor "..all natural ingredients with
a dashing, spicy scent". A wax made by a
company specializing in skin care, soap and
facial hair.
- Saltys
Stockholm Tar Mustache Wax A pirate
enthusiast and entrepreneur form U.S
experimenting with wax formulas in a
detailed manner.
- "soapily"
a.k.a Emily Hale maker of cosmetics,
soaps and balms. Her moustache wax is
targeted for "... the Discerning Gentlemen."
from Chicago, Illinois.
- Surlygnomes
Moustache Wax A wax hand made in Mar
Vista, California by mr. McCumby. The
wax has "... a dash of "La Fee" French
absinthe..." as an ingredient.
- “Harry’s
Best” Moustache Wax A wax by Bill
Scolnik, clockmaker,
machinist and inventor. He has apparently
tested 26 different sorts of formulas. He
also has shared some tips.
- Mans
Face Stuff A "hand-crafted,
great-smelling styling wax" by Evan Dumas
and BT Livermore from Portland. They
also sell T-Skirts to promote their
- Meister's
Old Fashioned Moustache Wax "premium
wax hand made in small batches" by Todd
Meister. Wax sales are backed up with
T-Skirt sales. The logo of the company is
- Queen
City Beard & Moustache Society
Ingredients in this U.S moustache wax
include Jojoba. and Moroccan
Oil. The company makes wax
- Stache
Bomb Stache Wax A wax 'targeting'
steampunk motorcyclist as their a consumer
base. "Are you a hipster who can't keep his
stache out of his PBR?" from Portland,
All links confirmed working 3.10.2012
Project Log/Memos:
Logo reference imagery:
Friedrich/Gallen-Kallela/Hergé/Hokusai. |

151112 Peer artists/designers are often confused
with our efforts in the "Anti-Imperial Moustache
wax" project.
Where is the art in all
of this, is all of this sustainable desing talk
only greenwashing a novelty grooming product, is
the project a manifestation of indie-capitalism
deploying a crowdsourcing scheme etc? Such
questions and critique are understandable. The
most visible part of the project has been in our
efforts of branding "Anti-Imperial.." and
attempting to establish supply channels/markets
for it. Such efforts are seldom given (transparent
and public) focus in art/subcult-design projects.
Some argue the "Anti-Imperial.." and other Ore.e
are merely luring ignorant Eco-consumerist and
hipsters to "Like" the idea of sustainable design.
And that our efforts in making
as statements for sustainable design will
eventually backfire (as such have the tendency to
I wont go into details of the critique here but
I'll offer an approach to our praxis: The
marketing strategies we've deployed can be read as
contemporary adaptations of the
effect (Verfremdungseffekt), made popular by
Brecht in the framework of dialectical
theater. The usage of this method is best
illustrated in our NO-CHAIR-DESIGN
tutorial. The alienation effect attempts
"..to make the audience feel detached from the
action of the
play, so they do NOT become
immersed in the fictional reality of the
(wikipedia). Brecht hoped that an audience treated
with alienation tools, would gain a neutral
perspective to the ethical questions a character
in a play is confronted with. The ideal is that
the audience would not emotionally identify with
the ordeals of a fictional character.. Instead
they would gain an insight to the non-fictional
social and political systems which cause the
suffering of the fictional character. The open,
satirical and documented processes we at Ore.e
Ref. are committed in, hopefully enable our
audiences to realign themselves to
the field
of sustainable design (this could
happen after becoming irritated with our marketing
shenanigans, or being inspired by them). The
realignment might result into a aggressive
relation to sustainable design – A desire to take
a public stand in defining the concept thought
actions (campaigns aiming to have an impact). As
everything we've done is reasonable well
documented and semi-openly licensed (
our efforts are suitable for re-adaptation and
benchmarking. Ore.e Ref. is a call for action and
we are looking to build partnerships with other
practitioners and groups. The gift exchange of
delivering moustache wax across the seas is an
example of this.
Agryfp suggested
that a more useful concept to define our efforts
for harvesting ingredients for the wax is
Bioregions are "political, cultural, and
ecological systems or sets of views based on
naturally defined areas... [they are] ...
defined through physical and environmental
features, including watershed boundaries and soil
and terrain characteristics". Tweaks to the text
have been made accordingly.
021012 After reviewing other products in closer
detail I have grown weary of the
rhetorics many (if not all) moustache wax and
handlebar moustache sites refer to. Our logo with
the central patriarchal figure in distress (
denial of distress) is an ironic comment to
the manly-man scene. Mailed first batches for
testers, added links to other products. When
comparing our wax to other moustache wax projects;
it's clear that our strength is in the transparent
process of developing the "product" – In the act
of sharing recipes as they develop and get
reviewed. This process creates a buzz which gives
motivation to develop the project further.
is like fuel (I get most of the feedback via
facebook). Also the "act of making wax" gives
comfort.. It keeps the project grounded and forms
a natural cycle for progress.
260912 Added experiment 5#. Got a partial review
for "1 HKI-PR VB 4060". I fear waxes intended for
candle makers are possibly filled with all sorts
of chemicals which make the candle burn better.
Bought a bag of soy wax to experiment with. We now
have the possibility to make a 100% natural
ingredients, organic moustache wax.
240912 Added a
from Park(ing) Day "workshop" during which we made
a custom edition of moustache wax harvested from
honeycombs from the
Kääntöpöytä -
Urban Farming Center, Pasila.
200912 Site appearance (menus&links) and text
tweaks. Found "Saltys Stockholm Tar" recipe
online. He's been also testing with "formulas". In
all his project is relatively similar to ours.
Made a separate page for Moustache Wax "
170912 Got an other tester for "1 HKI-PR VB
4060".. Added a pinch of hype the "proposal that
testers 'may' acquire batches of exp. wax" part.
Went on and applied beeswax to denim jacket for
fun. Seems like waterproof solution! Rubbed the
beeswax to the canvas and melted it in by heating
with hairdryer. Will make a test with a 80%
beeswax / 20%
boiled linseed oil mixture. A similar mixture is
recommended for making cloths waterproof. Framed
the logo original drawing. Looks good. I'm gonna
ask 320€ for it.
160912 Fabricated, packaged and mailed the first
batch for the first tester: "1 HKI-PR VB 4060".
video tutorial on how to apply the two
different types of waxes we've experimented with
so far. Made a
.pdf document which will be delivered with
the testing samples (has some tips on how to apply
the waxes). Negotiated with a Helsinki based
beekeeper group over the possibility to harvest
beeswax from their farm. We'll hopefully make a
custom edition of moustache wax as a joined
operation!! Had a near burnout experiment while
walking trough a shopping center.
150912 Made the Online Google (docs)
Questionnaire. Pushed the site online for testing.
140912 Made changes to text. I had previously
written: "
We are
looking for a m- wax receipt which uses local
area resources [...]" but I felt
uncomfortable with this definition as it felt
restrictive. What does "local" mean anyway? Does
it mean the same as "native"?
Can something be
"native" to an ecosystem? Ecosystems are
constantly adapting and changing... Something
native today can be near extinct tomorrow (and
vice versa). Because of this it is best to define
the region where the the m- wax ingredients come
from an "ecogeographic perspective". Instead of
searching for ingredients on a mere local level
(where my arm and Ore.e Ref. networks reach
today).. Using the "ecogeographic gaze" I can
identify ingredients which will
most likely
be accessible in the Baltic Sea Drainage Basin
Region in the upcoming 1000-5000 years. I can also
estimate what kinds of river- and naval trade
routes will
most likely be used for
the transportation of goods in the future, and how
far these commerce routs will globally reach.
Using these estimates I can map put the most
ingredients to be used in the m- wax. I'm just
beginning to learn about the subject but so far it
feels like the best route for defining "
resources previously
defined as "local" in projects which
highlight sustainable design. This perspective of
looking at sustainability in design, lays an
objective (next to scientific) backdrop to
sustainability. This way
sustainability appears less like
a cesspool of ecological principles "people
know to be right in their hearts" and more as an
experiment: The testing of a theory.
Sustainability in
design might proof to be merely a
act of articulating an opinion on what's to
happen in future. I was introduced to the concept
of ecogeography (or eco-geography) by
during the
on Art and Sustainability 2011. But others
before him like artivist
Richard Thompson Coon
to a GoF People's Forum document) has talked
of the concept in reference to the Gulf of Finland
130912 Draw logo, digitized it (wonder if someone
would like to buy the original? 20cmX20cm Ink on
50% Cotton paper.. Framed for 250€??). Made
experiment 4#. As previous exp. 2#/3# where
300812 Started with experiment 1#. Notified
friends on plans to make the test. First exp. was
an instant success.