Sound of Work: Blacksmith
edition 1
The sound pack consists of tool and machine themed
samples recorded at Jesse Sipola’s smithy close to
Turku, Finland. The samples are aimed for music and
sound design. Everything has been captured in 24-bit
96kHz using a Tascam DR-40 and a Sony ECM-NV1.
Majority of sound are in MONO (2 channel). Only
moderate EQ tools and noise removal has been used
during the mastering process. The sound pack has 324
files extracted from 142 recordings.
Sipola followed a click track (80bpm, 4/4) while
performing various work phases using the tools he
likes best. The samples have been chopped into
bar/beat lengths, which makes them suitable for
blues-projects out of the box. The power hammer is
an exception (82 & 107bpm). It’s offbeat rhythms
work great for musique concrète discotheque (a
quantised version in 80bpm is also provided).
The collection includes one shots, loops and long
clips (where you can hear complete work phases,
ambients and machine cycles). We also made a
binaural recording, which can be used to identify
how different sounds fit together at the smithy.
This is an archaeoacoustic sound library. We hope
you will enjoy, use, remix and share these sounds of
We are particularly happy with the pneumatic tool
samples and the assortment of Atlas Copco sounds!
These tools are in frequent use at Sipola’s smithy.
The types and models of tools are indicated in the
filenames. Metadata (ID3v2.3.0 & RIFF INFO) has
been added to the 24-bit 96kH .wav files (The naming
system is detailed below).
We grant you full right to perform, edit, share and
remix these recordings any way you see fit. You can
use the material in commercial projects. If you make
something really cool we’d love to hear it (See COOL1
for details). This publication is a part of Ore.e
Refineries 10 year celebration.
Download / Links
- The complete sound pack is available for
download as a .zip file (1,11gb) on archive.org.
An overview with short extracts from different
sounds is available for easy listening. Download
the sound pack from: https://archive.org/details/sow-blacksmith-ed1
- Files can from downloaded separately from
freesound.org. The material is organized into
packs according to different tool types.
“angle-grinder (20/13)" pack includes 20 samples
in various lengths extracted form 13 different
original recordings (Some are short extracts
from the longer recordings). Sample lengths,
tool manufacturers and the feel of the sounds
are indicated using bar/beat tags.
List of Audio files
Files in the full .zip file available at
archive.org organized by “Category of tool” >
“Type of tool” > “File name”. The file names
show the model of the tool and hint to the action
performed with it.
138_ = A catalog number for identifying
different samples which belong to the same
atlas-copco-npk-nrd-14r = Tool
manufacturer and model
1- = For organising samples into neat
list, longest sample first
run_ = A description of the sound, number
indicates amount of actions
4bar = The length of the sample (4 action
samples should loop ok).
ID3v2.3.0 & RIFF INFO metadata has the same
data as but in cleaner format. Tags and
descriptions have been added into the files using
2017-09-15 Made a nifty file MB.wav which has a
selection of blacksmith sounds arranged into a
file so that it can be played on a keyboard when
mG2 is set to play the file "un-tuned". Each key
triggers a different sound.
2017-07-25 Added a collection of sounds optimized
for microGranny 2 by Bastl
Instruments. mG2 is a granular synthesizer.
Got some positive feedback on the sound pack from
Kimmo Modig. We hosted an exhibition and performed
gig based on SOW at Akusmata
gallery with the support of Kristian Ekholm.
Here is a video of the exhibition.
2017-03-29 Today is the day! Made a video
announcing the Novation
Circuit .syx selection. Posted it on the NC
user group in Facebook. Frederic confirmed that
the files are ok in freesound (still some tweaking
to do). Published a
teaser on soundcloud. The archive.org file
is still being processed but if everything goes as
planned I can start wearing the Atlas Copco cap I
got from the company as a sponsorship (Both for
myself and Jesse) as a token of a successful
2017-03-26 Discovered a silly error in the
freesound.org upload. Had wrong bpm tags in
power-hammer files. All fixed now. I'll repair the
file data on freesound after we get the rest of
the .cvs data confirmed.
2017-03-26 Uploaded the files to freesound.org and
prepared the .csv to accompany the collection.
2017-03-23 Added single shots for Kristian. Still
working on the metadata of the full collection.
2017-03-22 Got the webpage running. Authoring
metadata (.csv) following freesound.org
specifications (as provided by Frederic Font
Corbera). Fixing the metadata is stressful and
boring. Send a thank-you note to Kimmo Modig in
regards of his tips for announcing the sound pack.
Selected a collection of one shots for Kristian
Ekholm in preparation of our Kontula Electronic
gig. Feeling irritated over the definition of
Musique Concrète.