Crafts, Metals and
Ore Refining with a Twist!
The core team of Ore.e Refineries
is based in Finland and is presented below. It is,
however, important to emphasize the importance of
local producers such as Boris "The Watcher" Azianou of
Grand Popo, Benin and organizers such as Jussi
Koitela, Leena Kela & Christopher Hewitt,
Andrew Gryf Paterson and others. It is Ore.e
Ref.'s policy to develop all projects in a manner
that will support local economies and craft skills
in the best possible way. For Finnish audiences we
recommend this audio documentary:
Eero Yli-Vakkuri,
Management & Sales
Hello, I am
Eero. I am a carpenter and an artist working
in the field of socially engaged and new
media arts. If you want more information on
our company I suggest to you look to the Press, Investors
and Etc site.
If you want to develop a more
personal relationship to the materials you
use in your work Ore.e Ref. is an option you
should seriously consider. Especially if you
want to be prepared for the true
post-industrial era.
really know what we are doing and can help
you to produce metal products and
generally in any craft and design related
By making the labor and energy
needed in metal refining visible,
we hope to develop general understanding of
the technological, historical and political
connections at the heart of materials and
technologies. We hope this will add to the
face value of the artefacts you want to
Jesse Sipola, Head of
Technology & Design
Hi, My name is
Jesse. I am a blacksmith and a designer
living in Turku, Finland. I have been
working with metal since 1999, first as a
artisan of blacksmithing and since 2003 as
a designer.
I am interested in traditional
craft methods and I try to merge these
methods to my work as a contemporary
designer. If you are truly looking
for sustainable metalworking
solutions I am here to help.
I´ve collected a lot of
traditional craft skills when traveling
and working in Namibia and South-Africa.
Local artisans there often work with
really low-tech devices and have little if
any materials to use in their work.
They produce items which merge
robust methods with contemporary
materials. This this inspirational. More
information on my artistic work in my web portfolio
and notes on my history with this
company here.
I know we
can help you in metal related issues!
The Company |
Ruuska, Liaison
 Ruuska was contracted to act as
a liaison of the companies southeastern
African relations and businesses for the
duration of his trip to The Republic of
Mozambique 03.03-17.03.2012.
 Wuolio was contracted to select
and/or craft items to be stored in a
time-capsule which was hidden inside a ~5ton
boulder rock, situated in the seashore of
Items in the time-capsule
are expected to become accessible for
audiences in 500-1000 years. Items Wuolio chose
are hidden behind "The
Message – EWS1#" Navigational Device.
EWS1# is encrypted with instructions which may
be used to find the Onkalo, nuclear waste
repository site. Details on the time-capsule
content entitled " Kharon’s Obol" are available on
Wuolio's website
and full
assignment documents available trough link.
Topi Äikäs, Contractor
The original bust was
sculpted by Johannes Takanen
(1884/1896). Äikäs
was instructed to make a silicone mold of the
plaster, so that multiple copies of the bust
can be manufactured. A special flowerpot
version was cast and used in Seli-seli
seppele (2013) artwork by Ore.e
Ref. The piece is located in Toijala
Co-educational School & Akaa Gymnasium
building in Akaa, Finland. Full
assignment documents available trough link
Lundell, Researcher
 PhD. student Lundell was assigned
to study the Technography of a Copperplate
during her research trip to Brazil.
Lundell transported a
copperplate manufactured by Ore.e Ref. with her to
São Paulo. On site she interviewed various
practitioners of Afro-Brazilian religions.
During the encounters she explained the
copperplates manufacturing process. After the
introduction she interviewed, observed and
documented how people interacted with the plate.
Documentations of these encounters are available on request.
Päivi Raivio, Contractor
Raivio was contracted to design
and manufacture a garment from a used automobile
seat. The making of the riding-jacked is
documented in a short
video and on her personal
Over the years Raivio has
organized many events that Ore.e Ref.
participated in. Highlights include Swingers Club for Mature
Chairs (2012) chair repair workshop, "The
Anti-Imperial Mustache wax – Kääntöpöytä edition"
beeswax harvesting event (using honeycombs from a
urban farming center in Pasila) and "The Rescue
Museum: Digital-to-Tangible Clinic & Workshop"
she organized for Temporary.fi late 2016.
Hanna Karppinen,
Rider (Trans-Horse)
 Karppinen joined the Trans-Horse
project late 2013. She has worked in the project
as a horse culture instructor and animal care
In 2014 Karppinen organized riding gear for the
production and arranged the Awaited Son's (Horse)
training routines. She participated in the
production and execution of the HKI-TKU riding
expedition. After the expedition she started work
on the Come
Together, Leave Together (30min) documentary
(Premiered in 2015). The film provides an inside
view to contemporary horse culture.
Pietari Kylmälä, Rider (Trans-Horse)
Kylmälä joined the Trans-Horse
project late 2013. He started to study riding and
participated in the organization/execution of the
HKI-TKU riding expedition.
Kylmälä documented the project trough regular
broadcast for the radio. He has also written
articles on horses, art and sustainability.
2015-2018 he co-hosted "Horse & Performance"
courses for the Theatre Academy of the University
of the Arts Helsinki. Links to Kylmälä's work can
be found on his webpages and soundcloud
The Honorary
Outi Heiskanen, Int.
Consultant on Methodological Robustness
 Outi also know as Heis
was involved with Ore.e Ref. since the beginning
both as a customer for the copperplate services
and a member of the staff. They served as Ore.e
Ref.'s internal consultant on methodological
robustness- Which meant that when the durability
of specific materials or long term benefits of
some production processes became a concern their
input was needed.
Their expertise came from
the field of printmaking where the techniques
have remained relatively the same for some 522
years. Yet, these methods produce better
quality imagery then any automated processes
ever will. This is because there is a person
responsible for every step which adds to
better results and transparent processes. Heis
believed that their expertise in printmaking
technologies could be applied to all sorts of
craft issues.
Outi Heiskanen (1937-2022)
Contact only by phone:
00 358 50 57 29743 (00=+ in local calls) |
ore.e ref. is a
public utility company
Ore.e Ref. Est. 2007 |